Images tagged "autoportretas-self-portrait"

  1. Prof. K. Izdebski

    I happend to have two Jean Selem authographed postcards, 1 from 1966and 1 from 1969 both photos of Kirsten Klein, both in mint condition.
    Would you know the value of these postcards
    Both are dated Lund, 1969
    Many thanks


  2. ingra

    klausimas: kelintų metų įrašai transliuojami šia radijo stotimi ir ar yra kažkoks „laidų” / transliuojamų tekstų prieinamas archyvas?


  3. Maximiliano Cruz

    Good day,

    I write on behalf of the Museum of Modern Art of Medellín, in Colombia, where I am in charge of film series of the theater of the museum.

    I am very interested in the following Mekas’ titles:

    · Out-Takes from the Life of a Happy Man
    · Sleepless Night Stories
    · Lost, Lost, Lost
    · Reminiscences of a Journey to Lithuania
    · Walden (Diaries Notes and Sketches)

    Hope that some of these could be worked directly with you.
    Ideally screenings would begin on May 9, 2019. We have digital screenings (DCP, Bluray or digital files). We can pay 300 USD for each one of them, 2 screenings.

    Please let me know if you handle any of these titles so we can work things out. Thank you very much!

    Best regards,


  4. Mark Bloch

    Thank you for including me in your list of Fluxus critics and curators:

    I have an interview I did with Jonas last summer, one of the last before he passed away. I wonder if you would be interested to have it on your website? Let me know. I am trying to decide what to do with it to best serve the memory of Jonas.

    Finally, while it is not easy to say who is and who is not Fluxus and who is or is not an artist, I would say that the following are NOT accurately Fluxus artists:

    Ruud Janssen
    Litsa Spathi

    They are known to me and while they may claim to be influenced by Fluxus, they often spread misinformation about Fluxus and who and what IS fluxus. I find this destructive.

    I tell you this confidentially for your consideration.

    Please let me know if you are interested in the Jonas interview video.

    Thanks for your beautiful site!

    Mark Bloch


  5. Paula

    Labas vakaras,
    Noriu pasiteirauti ar prieš keletą metų Jūsų menų centre buvo parengta ekspozicija skirta paveikslų rėmams, iškeliant jų autentiškumo ir vertės klausimą?


  6. Ronald Kraszewski

    Hello, I used to go quite often to Anthology Film Archives in East Village, NYC in the 1990’s. My friend Lisette Merenciana used to work there. We even met there Nina Hagen when she was on a tour in New York. One of my friends is currently living in Vilnius. Do you have any regular movie screenings or art events? I’ll visit your centre next time I’m in Vilnius!


  7. Pingback: Jonas Mekas - Lithuanian Artist that Worked with John Lennon

  8. Singing?

    It’s a pitty how little singing there was. Poor version of the 60’s (J. Mačiūnas European Fluxus festival). Consider to rename it to Dalius Naujokaitis show instead.
