2024 06 04–15 VIRSMAI IR JUNGTYS | Martyna Plioplytė-Zujienė
Part of the VAA GRADUATION SHOW 2024
Martyna Plioplytė-Zujienė
2024 06 04–15
It is an analysis of childhood images – aspects of attachment, accumulation and release, which are also relevant for individual creativity. The theoretical work examines visual objects and sensory elements that are closely related to my personal childhood experience. Since it is from an adult’s perspective, the concept of “image” is used to refer to them.
The above-mentioned image is constructed based on the discourse methodology, which helped to raise the issue of interest, i.e. i.e. attachment, accumulation and release. The latter, as a phenomenon, suggested the upcycling of industrially produced, discarded textile toys in my creative practice. Such toys encode in themselves other themes that go beyond the boundaries of artistic research: consumerism-oriented satisfaction of whims; the fate of the thing; global warming problem; restricting women’s rights, speech or choice.
A creative project, it is an installation consisting of a soft object that conveys constant, ritual-based kismas, and a video performance that tells about the essence of femininity and suggests looking back to the old baltic culture. Also visual diagrams that connect different creative means, textual meanings and images into a single, essential, thread – a transformational perception of the world.
Creative Project Superviser: doc. Severija Inčirauskaitė-Kriaunevičienė
Thesis Supervisor: dr. Aušra Trakšelytė
Graphic Design: Rūta Žinienė
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