2020 10 15 – 11 15. Alvydas Lukys “Jetlag”
Jetlag *
Jetlag is an installation of several video projections that expand upon the idea of the previous DJV project (together with the photo essay book The Future Continuous) about emotions evoked through mundane experiences. Ordinary events of life unfold as if turning on a chronological axis, creating in one’s consciousness a story of events experienced that day, which later become part of your life’s story. Sometimes, for various psychophysical reasons, we experience emotional “glukes” that may reverse events on the chronological axes. The “past continuous” examines the psychological effect of déjà vu, when experiences of the past are repeated in the present, only this time, the focus is on the disintegration of images that find it difficult to turn on the chronological axis due to the psychological fatigue experienced during the trip.
The installation is based on the artist’s documentation of his travels. The first trip was taken by the creative group of TTL (Trimakas, Treigys and Lukys) to New York in 2006 where they participated in the joint American-Lithuanian exhibition Vanishing Boundaries: Six Studies in Contemporary Photography at the Nailya Alexander Gallery. This exhibition served not only a video documentation of the exhibition but also a cognitive trip around the Chelsea district, visiting the openings of exhibitions at many galleries, with the artist filming almost continuously.
The second video projection is also named Jetlag where it seems that the camera is skimming along the surface of water and this journey through water becomes a metaphor for a dream. Images of the Lithuanian coast, Venice and the coast of New York commingle in the water.
The artist and curator of this installation is Alvydas Lukys.
The project was created in collaboration with the Jonas Mekas Visual Arts Center
and with the support of the Lithuanian Council for Culture.
* Fatigue and psychological side effects are experienced after a long flight when crossing time zones.

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